American Board of Forensic Document Examiners - some frequently asked questions
- An Overview of Forensic Document Examination - E. J. Will"
- Evaluation of Ozone Exposure from use of Electrostatic Detection Apparatus
- FBI - About Handwriting, Typewriting, Shoeprints, and Tire Treads
- FBI - Advances in Document Examination: The Video Spectral Comparator
- FBI - Guidelines for Forensic Document Examination - Parts 1 - 7 Forensic Science Communications, April 2000
- Forensic Document Examination - by Chris Anderson
- Nationmaster Encyclopedia: Links to information on questioned document examination
- Questioned Documents - E J Will, (US)
- Questioned Documents - Norwitch Document Laboratory (US)/
- South West Association of Forensic Document Examiners - Topics on pens, inks and papers
- The Ramsey Case - the ransom note