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A forensic investigator once made a remark about the sixteen hidden books of the Bible, merely by fluke, and wrote down the facts in a pamphlet. His written comments had the police looking so very deeply at the words that they couldn’t spot the wood for the trees, so to speak. Yet when they saw the answers, it was a real revelation. Some officers got themselves into a difficult jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. Although the penny finally dropped for large numbers of investigators, for others it was a real job and a half! On the whole though, examination of the information was a most fascinating challenge for them. Yes, there were some detectives who gave up completely, and others who sought help and even consulted judges to find the hidden names. When asked about his remark, the forensic investigator said, “! admit it usually takes a crime scene examiner to find one of the names, and for many,” he said, “there will be lamentations when it is found.” One of the junior officers in the case found she turned to drink, saying, “she brews a cup of tea every ten minutes or so, so she can concentrate better.” Well, now to the truth! The sixteen names are all hidden in this paragraph – yes, the one you are reading right now! So let’s see how well you can compete. Relax now, give yourself a little time, and concentrate. That’s all you’ll need. Enjoy!

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